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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Poetry #16: Congratulations

I miss you my friend

I understand you have to go first
Don't know when we will see each other again
And your departure made my tears burst

Still I can't believe that you're gone
Feels like yesterday since we've fun
Condolence is not the word to be mentioned
But instead, Congratulations!



  1. Heya!
    Tag you here Blogger Award.
    Coz I love this poem!

  2. sad, well expressed emotions,
    peace and love.

  3. Greetings, Happy Monday! Blessings…

    Friendship Awards, Enjoy!
    Your poetry is unbeatable, share 1 to 3 at our week 19 potluck today..
    Thanks for the support, You Rock!

  4. Dear Chamz !

    As February being the month of love, I decided myself to express my love for Haiku. After penning down more than half a century of Haikus, the love for it has become immeasurable and made me throw a Challenge to myself, ‘The Haiku Challenge!’ If you ask me what is this Haiku Challenge, then I would say it is simply writing a Haiku a day, beginning February 1 and to carry on until February 28.

    28 days – 28 Haikus - Wow! That sounds great right.

    For more info, Check out the blog post here

    Spread the word for reach as many people as possible.

    Someone is Special

  5. wow! another poet! nice to meet you poet! hehehe... hope we can share some poems... :) even if the poem is a tad bit short, it already expresses full emotions of longing and being happy for that person... :) hehe..just sharing my thoughts out.. ;) nice to meet you chamz...


  6. Greetings, how are you?
    Your absence is missed, hope you well…
    Write a free verse 4 Poets Rally, enjoy poetic friends, you are invited!

    Hope to see you in,

    Love your poetry talent and looking forward to a profound experience with your input.



Thank you for sharing your time with me(^^,)