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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Poetry #11: Missive

Touch me like you always do
A feather-like sensation
Awakening my emotion
I realized this is something new

You move with grace
Always have that smile in your face
It hit me so well
And made me fell in your spell

I can't stop thinking of you
Like the constant beating of my heart
It doesn't stop and keeps going on
Now I don't want us to go apart


  1. wow... I think I have found a new place to come and visit...


  2. Greetings, How are you?
    It is a thrill to land on your magical poetry land today! :) ;)
    Jingle Poetry has magic, wonders, and miracles theme going on this week,
    Hope to see your contribution.
    Old poems, or poems unrelated to our theme are welcome.
    We treasure your support !
    Happy Thanksgiving, You Rock!

  3. simple yet touching...its normal to miss someone, as time passes we tend to let go ;)


Thank you for sharing your time with me(^^,)